Cynical Theories Ch 2: Postmodernism's Applied Turn
One of postmodernism's defining characteristics is deconstruction - dismantling everything. This was eventually a self-destructive tendency and it burned itself out around the 1980s. However, several offshoots of postmodernism took the principles and ideas of postmodernism and gave them a practical aim, a goal, made them actionable. This enabled the Theory of postmodernism to live on, and also enabled it to break out of the bounds of academia and into the real world and the culture war we experience today. Several varieties of Theory became prevalent, and they will each receive their own focal chapter: postcolonialism, black feminism, intersectional feminism, critical race Theory, and queer Theory. These various branches took the principles and themes of postmodernism that were discussed in the previous chapter to varying degrees, so they won't all look the same, have the same goals, or be applied in the same way, but they will all exhibit characteristics of postmodernism. T...